domingo, outubro 22, 2006

Antiracism like state religion

Guillaume Faye
Antiracism has the same obsession by the race that the puritano priest by sex. Today, sex is so much as an industry as the race is violated and disguised. But in fact this dissimulation hides an obsessive presence of the concept. Antiracism has happened a species of put-religion, a perverse and unconscious form of racism, in any case the sign of a racial obsession. But what is at heart racism? Nobody knows it to explain nor to define. Like in all the abusive words and with strong affective loads, the word in himself lacks meaning. One is confused to him with the xenophobia, and it is that spoken the mutual racism of the Croatians, the Serbs and the Albanians, when their disputes are of national and religious character, but nonracial.

Here the interesting positions are those of Claude Lévi-Strauss in their opuscule "Race and History" and of Zoulou Kredi Mutwa, author of the famous test "My People", that was the most pertinent critic as much of the South African apartheid as of the model of the multiracial society. But this was also the opinion of Léopold Sedar Senghor, that theorized on the slight knowledge of "black-African" and "white-European" civilization. These opinions are classified at the present time like seriously incorrect.

Their theses can be transformed in these points:

1) the biological diversity of the great families of the human population is an incontestable fact; this diversity is a wealth, is the nucleus of different civilizations.

2) Negar the racial fact is a dangerous intellectual error, because it denies foundations of the anthropology such and installs the concept "race" in the taboo rank, in magical paradigm, when in fact it is a banal reality.

3) obsessive antiracism is to racism which the puritanismo to the sexual obsession. A multiracial society is by necessity a multiracist society. It is not possible to be made cohabit on the same territory and the same area of civilization but that to biologically related populations, with a "mínimum" of ethnic differences.

Globally, the theses of Levy-Strauss, Kredi Mutwa and Léopold Senghor conclude that the humanity is not one "mobylette", and that nonmarch with mixtures. Thus, whereas the official ideology denies the race concept, in truth it is recognizing it and fortifying.

The French society does not recognize that the racial fact prevails to him, proclaims itself by all sites, beginning by the immigrants. In the suburbs and the "zones without right", the native French are erased contemptuously like "Gauls", or, more frequently, like "quesitos" ("petit fromages"). Whereas the races are censured as nonexistent and any reality is not recognized to them, the racial question is present than ever.

It is evident that the "pure races" do not exist and that the concept does not have biological sense, because all population is product of a "very diverse genetic phylum". But this does not clear existence to the "racial fact", nor to the races. A racially mixed population even constitutes a racial fact, and it is not possible to be said that in South America or the Antilles the mestization has created new races. The antiracists, who deny the reality of the race concept, are favorable to the "mestization", they militate by the "mixture of the races", and deny therefore its own reality. Perhaps they understand that with the mestization the races will let exist? Of dogmatic form they insist on demonstrating "scientifically" that the races do not exist, and that therefore the modification of the biological substrate in Europe will not have consequence some, but so single beneficial influences. This is the envenenadora thesis of the "cultural totum", in which not even their propagators create seriously.

Of a part the official ideology denies the existence of the human races, indicate the insignificant differences in the personal chromosomes, but by the other the law prohibe the racial discriminations "in name of the property or nonproperty to a race, étnia or religion". Then, the races exist or they do not exist? In the simple aristotelian or leibniziana logic, he is an absurd one to repress to those who commits a crime against a legal subject that does not exist in fact.

On the other hand the uselessness of the racial distinctions is proclaimed, but quotas of racial favoritism are applied legally. The "racial differences" refuse but the point in the "positive racial discriminations" is put. (...) Like all reality anthropological and, more generally, natural, the racial fact is not a "absolute fact", but it is a fact. Its present negation by the dominant ideology constitutes the sign and the test that the racial question has happened fatídica. All ill civilization tends to censure the reality of his badly and making of her a taboo. Not speech of ropes in the house of the hanged person. The hegemonic ideology comes thus with a work of silence, with a family secret.

The South African black sociologist, of zulú ethnic group, Kredi Mutwa, wrote in his revealing book "My People" (Penguin Books, London, 1977): "To deny the fundamental differences between the black and the targets, the two great racial families of the humanity, he is to deny the nature and the life. He is as stupid as to affirm that the feminidad and the masculinidad do not exist. Here a lack of sense common in the western spirit is discovered. The black man accuses more in itself than the target his racial personality, and is by more reticent nature to accept the utopia of a universal man "

.In the same sense, Léonine N´Diaye, in its work "Him Soleil" (Dakar, 021121987), writes: "Like differences between the white towns, Hispanic and the Nordics exist, for example, also that difference between the African tribal ethnic groups exists. The humanity is divided in great families with its own personality, culture and biological fact "

.Between the African, as between the Asians the naturalness of the racial fact does not offer problems. It is vindicated with all tranquillity. The psicótica negation of the racial fact in Europe leans in the hope of which disguising the racial fact it can bleed the original sin of racism and create an idyllic society at the same time, an extraterrestrial paradise (...)

In the census of the French population of 1999, the National Institute of Statistic did not make any reference to the ethnic origin nor to the religion. The French did not have to know the numbers, Max Clos, president of the institute real, explained in Him Figaro (05/03/99): "a commission of sociologists explained that the smaller reference on the ethnic or religious character of a city or a district could cause racist reactions. The people tend to think that a majority of magrebí or African population creates insecurity ". Fantastic... as if "the people" did not notice they themselves of the reality when walking by the streets. This it is a perfect example from deceits to the town, of negligence of the power and "democratic transparency".

Why the patient does not know his fever, why refuses to watch the thermometer? Porqué the powers deny that immigration is in fact a social cataclysm, that is in march a colonization, why they behave as if the emigration did not exist?

The state has become again censor, sometimes talks about to the afro-magrebíes populations like "representatives of the population that lives in the periphery"... amazing eufemismo. The Institute of Statistic denies the ethnic fact and racial and some refuses to become question on this fact.

The powers public, stuned by the antiracist psychosis and the ethnic taboo, voluntarily disguise the numbers of immigration. But at the same time, remarca its contradictions, as it corresponds to all moved away ideology of the reality, because implicitly they recognize the ethnic character of the colonization, recognize that the immigrants reject the assimilation. The powers public collaborate with the colonizadores immigrants to mold the public opinion. Then in a mediatic society the people create less in which they see that in which inculcan them to them mass-average.

[ Taken from the book the Colonisation de L'Europa, L'Æncre, 2000 ]

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